welcome to basics of stock market - a beginners module
This course is meant for those who are interested to start investment in stock market.
the money you earn is partly spent and balance saved for meeting future needs.instead of keeping the savings in your hand, you can invest it to get return on it.
course duration: 8 weeks
credit :2/4
classes : two hours a week
mode: pre- recorded classes
basic knowledge in English and computer
Unit 1.
Introduction to stock market-stock market- share- stock- primary market -secondary market
Stock exchanges BSE-NSE- Index – need of index –How to calculate index –Sensex- nifty – sectorial indices. stock exchange terminologies
Unit II
Stock market participants- publicly listed companies- IPO –investors –brokers-depositories- depository participants – clearing houses- transfer agents- settlement banks- SEBI
Unit III
Demat account – trading account – how to open demat and trading account, saving account- 3 in one account.
Unit IV. Trading in stock market- fundamental analysis- technical analysis -long term investment-intra day trading.
Course coordinator : Dr.K.samsudheen
- Teacher: Dr.Samsudheen K