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Online Learning Challenges

Online Learning Challenges

by Musammil TP -
Number of replies: 3

  1. Impersonal
  2. Less interactive
In reply to Musammil TP

Re: Online Learning Challenges

by Rashiba A P FACULTY -
You are right Musamil....only a few interacted in my classes and majority remained silent.
In reply to Rashiba A P FACULTY

Re: Online Learning Challenges

by Dr. Biju K -
Try to use some interactive tools like padlet, Mentimeter when doing a video conferencing tool
In reply to Musammil TP

Re: Online Learning Challenges

by Dr. Biju K -
Agreeing..we may have to think of improving on this. Making personalized instruction and using interactive tools can help us. In order to create personalized instruction we may have to use a learning management system.