Body image: A multi-faceted construct encompassing self-perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and behaviours related to one's body.
Body dissatisfaction: A negative evaluation of one's body appearance.
Body shame: Negative feelings arising from comparing oneself to cultural appearance ideals and perceiving a shortfall.
Thin-ideal internalisation: Accepting the cultural ideal of thinness as one's personal ideal.
Body surveillance: Monitoring one's own body weight and shape.
Muscle dysmorphia: A body dysmorphic disorder characterised by an excessive preoccupation with the belief that one's body is too small or insufficiently muscular.
Body schema: A cognitive framework shaping our understanding of physical appearance.
Appearance anxiety: A pervasive concern about how bodies are perceived and evaluated.
Body objectification: Treating one's body as an object to be viewed and evaluated by others.
Cosmetic surgery: Medical procedures to alter or enhance the appearance of the body.